Monday, September 2, 2019

Swiss Days | 26 For 26

Hello everyone!
Over the weekend Erik and I attended Swiss Days for the first time.
Swiss Days is an event held in Midway, Utah each year as it holds Swiss Heritage.
It is full of live entertainment, vendor booths, food and Swiss pride!
I have wanted to go for the last few years and finally made it happen.
This 26 for 26 list is really getting me out. 😉

We arrived at the event around noon and boy was it packed.
Tack that on top of the record-breaking heat we have been having in Utah and I was exhausted five minutes in.
We found sanctuary in a few indoor markets, hung out in the shade, grabbed some lemon yodels, then camped out near the stage.

After cooling down a bit we made our way through all of the booths.
There were a lot of fun things especially holiday decor!
Erik and I didn't snag anything as we are trying to save all of our money for Disneyland but, there were a few things I definitely had my eye on.

After walking through almost 200 booths we worked up an appetite. 
We saw so many people walking around with large scones that looked very tantalizing.
We decided to grab some of our own. 
Mine was the size of a small child!
It was seriously HUGE!
I gathered so many looks walking from the booth to our table.
And can I tell you it did not disappoint!
That thing was delicious...

After six hours, some gnarly sunburns and bellies full of scone we decided to call it a day. 
It was a lot of fun getting to experience Swiss Days for the first time. 
We learned a few things that will have us more prepared for next time.
Like get there early, plan on camping out for the day and pack sunscreen!
It also got me super excited for our upcoming trip.
Why do the days leading up to vacation always feel extremely long?
How did you spend your Labor Day weekend?

All my love,

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