Monday, January 23, 2017

Makeover Monday | Keeping My New Years Resolutions

Hello everyone! 
Happy Makeover Monday!
I gave my desk a little makeover to help me keep my resolutions this year.

I am the type of person that has to write everything down.
If I don't I forget...
Plus I love checking things off of lists.
When I saw this cute desk calendar in the Target value section I knew it would be a great way for me to keep track of my goals.
I went through and added what I wanted to post for the blog for the next two months, three posts a week, to the bottom left corner,
Then I added in any events we had coming up in the center and the due dates of our bills in the top right.

I also updated my cork boards to help me focus on my goals.

There's a board to remind be to spread joy.
A board for Erik and I, we have a goal to have a weekly date night.
There's a board for my friends to remind me to host a quality get together for them once a month.
And a board with some inspirational quotes and pictures of us in Disneyland to remind me to chase my dreams.
How are you doing with your New Year resolutions?

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